I am a huge fan of New Years. It is a time to reflect on the good and bad of the year, what you accomplished and events that have happened, it is also the time of year where everyone is so excited to grow, to achieve goals and to be better. This can be over whelming and Ill let you know on some ways to help create realistic goals in a bit. So last year after Christmas I had just really started taking photography serious. I had done Christmas minis with a huge turn out and had many eager clients who were ready to re book me! So I set out to make some goals for the year 2018 to help me grow my business and improve my skills. One of the resolutions was to take several new workshops or courses. I wanted to continue to push myself to grow and learn through out the year. The second and main goal was to take self portraits. Now this one may seem odd, but I felt strongly that I needed to do this. Put myself in my clients shoes, learn the feelings of being in front of the camera, learn how to deal with the emotions when you see faltering or unflattering photos. Learn how to work with difficult environments and out of the box ideas to push my creativity. I make a goal of taking at least one self portrait a month. Wow am I glad I did! I have learnt so much about self hatred and about confidence, about the emotions involved when seeing images and how to best solve any issues. I learnt how I needed to look at myself, how to see myself with love and thankfulness for what God gave me. Doing these self portraits also made me realize the importance on capturing people in flattering light, enhancing their beauty and helping them also see themselves with love. This then began my journey of many posing courses and eventually boudoir photography.
Check out my next Blog Post to see more details of my Year in Review.
Now I didn’t forget, the following is my New Years Resolutions. I choose these Goals over a period of time, finally sitting down and writing each on a paper. I wanted to make my wishes into goals, and that doesn’t happen without a plan. So I wrote my wishes down on a paper, and then wrote how I planned to accomplish them.
My first Goal was to travel to one or two destination weddings.
I wrote this down and contacted a SEO specialist to help me design my website to reach other cities and countries. I then will start tagging my photos on instagram with tags such as #destinationphotographer and #travelingphotographer and #weddingphotographer so that people anywhere can see my work. I will also be offering discounts on my travel fees for this year.